Chyea... so I'm working on Facebook Poke War II for those 4 of you who are keeping track.
I have not posted anything since October... or something like that. (I can hear some of you cheering for that in the back).
Well now I'm back on track and I actually want to work on Poke War II... So I'll jump on that when I get off for Christmas...
Then Venezuela II... and that should take a stretch of time to do...
I'll make a little something for Valentines Day because I have a little something 7 or 8 of you might MIGHT chuckle at...
I took November off for those geniuses out there who are trying to figure it out. :P
I have a feeling you guys will enjoy the improvements I've made in animation and the way these new animations are going to come out.
Thanks to the 94 of you who put me on your favorites list... 6 from 100. (I can add :p)
When it gets to 100, If I figure out who the 100th is I'll do something for them. (Non sexual 0_o)
Probably draw something... Because I know you'll be thrilled with that treasure *Cough*.
"Enough chit chat" say the visual learners...
Well here you go, visual learners. Picture.
Now leave me some classy comments, or... as classy as you NGers can put out. :]
P.S. Damn that's a lot of writing.
If i was a drug i'd be Class A (in English legal terminology).