Better than it looks!
Definately didn't think it would be that good but it was friggin hilarious, I love the end. Keep it up! XD
Better than it looks!
Definately didn't think it would be that good but it was friggin hilarious, I love the end. Keep it up! XD
Damn I have a head ache now...
But hey for that it was worth it, good stuff man.
I enjoy frame by frame, wasn't bad.
I chuckled at the end.
Keep up the good work.
I prefer frame by frame, but this was really solid stuff. Great story, and good art.
I will definately come back for part two. Keep me posted man.
I love the picture in the background with the snowman from SkiFree.
Not much here man, Not very good.
It just wasn't that good, highly over-rated movie.
I just don't see it, good frame by frame It just didn't click, you know.
Poor everything else.
If I would've accually watched the movie that would've been great. But no, no it wasn't.
It was a great flash, just really stylish and interesting, funny too.
You know. . . till it got the rape part. . .
I just don't like it, Maybe someone who is in to this kind of thing. Just not me.
Little more would've been nice.
As good as suggested.
Im suggesting it for the olf folks collection. Classic on albinoblacksheep = Classic here. Amazing.
Your boy is a very busy bee...
Joined on 12/15/09