I don't think Scroler (guy two comments down) has heard of Swoozie.
Tear it up, Brew.
I don't think Scroler (guy two comments down) has heard of Swoozie.
Tear it up, Brew.
Far out, to say the least.
I thought Piper was going to be Gina.
I was looking forward to that. That was disappointing to say the least..
yeah i fked up
w00t w00t. Glad you came around with episode 2.
Some good stuff. Here's to the next episode.
Some damn good work, even for a test.
A 3.8?
You gotta be kidding me..
This is a good animation. Sound/music/drawings/writing is all there.
The frames are on the low side. but it's not even a thing.
Keep this up. I want to see more. Good work.
Spider part was certainly my favourite part.
Let's upgrade from flipnote, shall we?
Solid animation.
flipnote is all i have to animate with....
You calling me a liar, boy? (lawl, Woolie Hole)
But no really, this was nice. A pleasant style with nice audio.
If you want advice, just try more animation. Less slideshow.
Good stuff though.
Thanks a bunch. I wanted this project to look like a storybook, so I didn't put much "animation" in it. My future projects will have MUCH more animation in them.
Your boy is a very busy bee...
Joined on 12/15/09