I prefer your Animal Crossing stuff, but this is nice too.
I prefer your Animal Crossing stuff, but this is nice too.
Fair enough! I'm actually halfway through final line for the next animal crossing short, so I'm hoping to get that done pretty soon.
My buddy and I walked past a couple of these yesterday in the shop... and man.... brought me back.
I laughed so hard at the "Do you smell what the rock is cooking?!".
These are still great.
Thank you, you're beautiful.
It was the delivery of the last line that did it for me.
thanks! love your work btw
I thought Piper was going to be Gina.
I was looking forward to that. That was disappointing to say the least..
yeah i fked up
Let's upgrade from flipnote, shall we?
Solid animation.
flipnote is all i have to animate with....
You calling me a liar, boy? (lawl, Woolie Hole)
But no really, this was nice. A pleasant style with nice audio.
If you want advice, just try more animation. Less slideshow.
Good stuff though.
Thanks a bunch. I wanted this project to look like a storybook, so I didn't put much "animation" in it. My future projects will have MUCH more animation in them.
That was a pleasant surprise of an animation. Keep at it.
Thank you!
I'll do my best!
Ooooo. That animation is just itching to be polished... but when it is, it will be glorious.
The frames. Mmmmm. Them frames.
Overall, dynamic animation. I liked it a lot. Just looking at it.
Dog part was nice too. Funny.
My skype friend did the voice for the dog, his picture since i met him was a dog so I assume he is actually a dog lol
Your boy is a very busy bee...
Joined on 12/15/09