That's be terrible... as if I need anymore hair.
Good work, keep it up. Your sound is rather good.
That's be terrible... as if I need anymore hair.
Good work, keep it up. Your sound is rather good.
haha thank you!:D
Well done, The animation is looking really nice.
Can't wait to see more.
Thanks! Theres more action to come in the Epilogue! I just.... need to get to it! lol
Not bad.
Keep at it, man.
I was interested.
Thanks, there is much more to come =)
Teaser, I wanted to see the rest.
Come on, Lad. :]
Nice anyways.
Tough world.
I'm sorry but good Lord.
I kept up until you started speaking in another language.
And by that I just mean going off the deep end into I-don't-even-know-what.
I'm highly interested but this is making it difficult to be enthusiastic.
Perhaps your seeing it going too far, but could it be that you haven't gone far enough? ;)
That was funny.
Very funny.
Not to mention a nice animation too.
My favorite part would have to be the part when the guy pulls s straw out of his towel and starts drinking the Kool Aid man. XD
I didn't know you had such a wide range of voices, Paul.
Good job.
Thanks a lot for the review! Yeah, I put down some seriouse time into this. Both of us wrote the script, and Paul did an amazing job shifting through all the voices
Your boy is a very busy bee...
Joined on 12/15/09